It seems fitting to launch a new resource for young women during this 800 Anniversary of the founding of the Order of St. Clare. This Franciscan patroness of communications, along with St. Francis, looked for the good and holy possibility in the people and the daily happenings in their world. Read about young women who actually encountered Christ, found peace and said 'yes' to commitment.
For some this meant following a call to be a Postulant in our Community of Sisters. Others wait with heart-felt longing for the time to begin our application process. While still others know better their vocation to be married or single or just patient in knowing God's will in their lives.
Today we invite you to journey with us on-line. Begin here. Search our Community website and Novice Sister Monica's Habitually Speaking Blog. If you feel at home with what you see and read, a future Motherhouse discernment retreat in Manitowoc, WI may be your next step in going 'forward, securely, joyfully and swiftly along the path of prudent happiness'.
"Those who through the Lord's inspiration come to us desiring to accept this way of life are to be received kindly." -Rule and Life of the Brother and Sisters of the Third Order Regular