Invitation on World Consecrated Life Day to Vocation Discernment Retreat

As the Catholic Church invites reflection on the Consecrated Life with today's Presentation of the Lord feast, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity take this opportunity to offer two invitations. First, we invite you to reflect on the topic of consecration in the light of  our own Constitutions. Second, we invite you to experience Franciscan Consecrated Life with us at our Motherhouse, Holy Family Convent, Manitowoc, WI.

1. Here's a text on consecration from our Documents:
In a free response of love to the call of God, we enter more intimately into a covenant relationship with Him through our vowed life in the Church. By professing the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience, we follow Christ, virginal and poor, Who redeemed and sanctified us by obedience unto death. Thus, united with Him through likeness to His life and death, we can rise to a new selfless love in Him.

By our vows we uniquely liberate ourselves from the principal obstacles to love-a divided heart, the fascination of material things, and the tendency to pride: we free ourselves for greater love for God and for all mankind.

2.  Experience being with us while discerning your own call from God. Our next vocation discernment retreat is February 22-24, 2013. You will not be alone. There are already young women ages 18-35-like yourself-registered.

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