Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity are offering an August 12-14, 2016 Silent Discernment of Spirits Retreat. Click here to fill out the registration form.
Sister Jacqueline Spaniola offers practical discernment rules from St. Ignatius of Loyola in the atmosphere of our Wisconsin Motherhouse. Expect significant time for silent prayer and input that will help in all decision making, but especially in pondering one's vocation. Call or text Sister Julie Ann 920-323-9632.
Note: If August is not good timing for you, consider a coming September 16-18, 2016 Franciscan Service Retreat at the Motherhouse. Or ponder a collaborative Discernment of Spirits day long retreat with us and the Sauk Rapids, MN Poor Clares in MN October 8, 2016. Call or text Sister Julie Ann for more information.
Note: If August is not good timing for you, consider a coming September 16-18, 2016 Franciscan Service Retreat at the Motherhouse. Or ponder a collaborative Discernment of Spirits day long retreat with us and the Sauk Rapids, MN Poor Clares in MN October 8, 2016. Call or text Sister Julie Ann for more information.