Franciscan Sisters' Summer Retreat Offerings

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity continue summer offerings for those dealing with questions on vocation discernment. Summer is a good time to seek more deeply God's will for one's life.

Here are July possibilities:

July 6-8: Walk with Franciscan Sisters to places of significance in our history. Expect an 18 mile experience complete with Mass at St. Mary Church, Clarks Mills, WI. Find here a historical marker that continues to tell the story of our founding in 1869. Come Wednesday for Evening Prayer and a blessing of pilgrims. Stay overnight on Thursday and enjoy a concert to close the pilgrimage in honor of our Sister Lorna Zemke. Call or text Sister Julie Ann (920-323-9632).

July 15-17: Begin with dinner at 5:30 p.m., followed by a presentation on the history of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity. Saturday have time for personal prayer and hear a presentation on Good Health: Making Small Changes...for Lasting Results. Learn how small changes in our daily routine can reap big benefits for our overall health. This presentation by Barb Backus and Sister Anne will provide information and practical suggestions to help anyone stay well or improve our health. Sunday guests will be present for the renewal of vows of our Sisters in Temporary Profession. Call or text Sister Julie Ann (920-323-9632).

For more August options, call or text Sister Julie Ann (920-323-9632)
