Franciscan Reflection: Will God Give Me a Sign?

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite guest blogger Father Paul Gawlowski, OFMConv to share on the topic: Will God Give Me a Sign? This post is found on the Franciscan Discernment website: Enjoy this resource.

I’ve asked God for a sign, to tell me if He wants me to be a priest, or a brother, or to get married. I am still waiting….
I do hear this from many discerning a vocation to priesthood or religious life. In this post, I’d like to explore the question; “Will God give us a Sign, telling us what we should do?”

My experience, after hearing many people share their story of how they found “God’s Call” in their life, has lead me to believe that; Yes, God will often give a sign… BUT not in lieu of the much hard work needed in a good discernment. If a sign does come, it will more likely come at the end of a long discernment process, to confirm (or not) the decision the discerner has made in his/her God given freedom. For after all, we are not puppets or robots. God created us free, so that we can freely give our lives to a purpose, in love. Our vocation is a freely given gift to God. The sign we might get from God will not be a “Do this” as much as it is a “Thank You. I am well pleased with the Gift you want to give!”
I think of it this way. If a child asks a loving parent, “What should I do with my life?” Click here to read more.

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite you to consider two options: our October 13-15, 2017 Discernment Retreat in Manitowoc, WI. Register here or call or text Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632. Ohio Discernment Day: Doing the Impossible is October 28, 2017  in Cambridge, OH. Register here.  Again call or text Sister Julie Ann for more information.
