Vocation Discernment Retreat Encourages Meditation and Contemplation

Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity offer a 'Guide to Meditation and Contemplation' in a coming May 24-26, 2019 Vocation Discernment Retreat. Sister Jacqueline Spaniola facilitates this weekend for young adult women at our Motherhouse, 2409 S. Alverno Road, Manitowoc, WI.

This quote from The Life of Saint Francis by Thomas of Celano, Chapter XXX, 34 speaks about St. Francis' prayer life.

"St Francis used to recall with regular meditation the words of Christ and recollect His deeds with most attentive perception. Indeed, so thoroughly did the humility of the Incarnation and the charity of the Passion occupy his memory that he scarcely wanted to think of anything else."

The saint of Assisi was heartfelt in his relationship with God. He desired that his "heart would catch fire with a desire for heaven."

The weekend begins at 5:30 p.m. on Friday with the opportunity to have a meal with those in Initial Formation. The weekend closes with the noon meal on Sunday at 12:30 p.m.. Overnight accommodations are available. Commuters are also welcome. Register here. Call or text Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632 with any questions.
