Top Suggestions for Discernment

Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Anne Marie Lom, Spiritual Director and Coordinator of the Community's House of Prayer, offers these suggestions for discernment to young women searching for God's will in their lives. You may find them helpful, too.

  • 30-60 min. of quiet daily prayer. Note difference between saying prayers and praying
  • Weekly Mass; daily Mass if possible.
  • Liturgy of the Hours - Prayer of the universal Church Note the difference between devotions and universal, official prayer of the Church. (can be accessed electronically) or on other free phone apps.
  •  Good spiritual reading: saints, prayer, Church teachings. Be careful of people, books, pod casts, web pages etc. that treat religious life in a romantic, “otherworldly” manner.
  • Spiritual Director; do virtual if in person is not practical!
  • Frequent Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Self-knowledge; relationships, ability to “get along”. Good, healthy relationships and self-esteem. One criteria for admission and retention: Do I want to live with that person?
  •  If possible, talk over your Call with trusted people. What do they see? Do they think you will be able to live a good religious life?
  • Ask “smart” questions: How many members do you have? What is your formation like? Home visits, education. How do you support yourselves? Do you assume college debt of a woman entering? What happens to my insurance, my pension plan etc.? Is there communal prayer? How do you live Community Life? How will I use my education?
  • What traits are you looking for? How can I be of service in your Community? Anything else?
  • Forms of prayer: journaling, walking, biking, mantras, (possible: Responsorial Refrain) songs, poems, images, icons, Lectio Divina
  • Easy Prayer form:

·       Oration: Saying prayers aloud

·       Meditation: use of the mind to raise thoughts to God

·       Contemplation: more blank mind, allowing God to take the initiative

Consider two of our November Discernment options: 

November 6-7, Ignatian Discernment Zoom Retreat with Sister Jacqueline Spaniola

November 20-22 Called to Pray with Saints Francis and Clare Zoom Retreat with Sister Anne Marie Lom

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