Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invite Single Catholic Young Women ages 20-35 to consider our Fall Discernment Retreats and Events. There are in person and zoom offerings.
October 13-15 or November 17-19: Saints Francis and Clare "Saints of Light"
This opportunity is possible by zoom in October and November and also in person in November.
There will be an Introduction and Conference on Friday evening accompanied by an invitation for a personal meeting (Spiritual Direction) on Saturday and/or Sunday.
Drawing on St Francis and St. Clare's wisdom for our times, Spiritual Director Sr. Anne Marie Lom facilitates this discernment experience, and Sr Pam Biehl leads the Friday Evening Night Prayer. Those coming in-person will have additional opportunities of interaction with the Motherhouse Community.
Call or text Sister Julie Ann your questions or concerns. Register here.
October 20-22 My Vocation Call: Discernment of Spirits Retreat
Are you a 20-something young woman discerning if God is calling you to religious life or to married life or to single life? Or seeking to follow His will more closely? Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity, Sr. Jacqueline Spaniola, is facilitates a silent retreat, October 20-22, based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.
"I really enjoyed the structure of learning sessions followed by quiet times of prayer. I especially liked the materials, examples and conversations shared in presenting." - Rebecca, Wisconsin
"There is no one right path to sainthood. Many vocations put you on the right path. Being able to talk with the Sisters, specifically with times of Spiritual direction with Sister Jackie, was helpful. - Anna, Michigan
The Spiritual Exercises are a timeless and always useful “exercise” to guide you in the spiritual life as you seek to do God’s will. Most free time will be spent in silence in order to pray and to ponder how God is working in your life. The retreat begins Friday, October 20, at 6 p.m., and ends after a noon meal on Sunday, October 22. The retreat is being held at the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity’s Motherhouse in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. For more information call or text 920-323-9632. $25 (scholarships available) Register for the retreat here.
November 29 Living the Buzzwords of Advent: Wait, Watch and Prepare Zoom
Desiring to make your Advent more prayerful? Sister Pam Biehl facilitates "Living the Buzzwords of Advent: Wait, Watch & Prepare", a one-hour Advent Zoom from 6:30 - 7:30 PM on Wednesday, November 29. Other Franciscan Sisters are invited to also listen in on the session. Sister Anne Marie Lom will lead night prayer. Register here for an evening with others desiring to grow in faith.